-Johnson For Change-

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As a lifetime resident of Iowa, I know our system is broken, on many levels. I want the opportunity to change that. I am a firm believer that Iowans have RIGHTS, & many of those have been, or are currently being infringed upon. This is NOT what this great country or State was built on. We must not keep allowing the governments to overpower the PEOPLE. As your house representative, I will go in fighting for YOU the PEOPLE. I have already been fighting for the underdogs of this state, when I established my nonprofit -We The People For The People- What started out with my very own landlord issues, with a mobile home court owner, turned into something much larger. I work closely with Kim Folzbot., in Des Moines, who is one of Iowa Attorney General, Tom Miller's investigators. In the months getting to work, & know Kim, she had told me that there was a need for people like me, to fight for tenant rights. She had told me that unfortunately, she wouldn't be able to refer anyone to me, per the guidelines set out, & that I would need to be an organization. That lit a fire in me to make change. And that is why I established a nonprofit, to help those in need that have landlord disputes. I see it every day, that landlords think for whatever reason, they are above the law, & don't have to make repairs, leaving the tenant, sometimes in uninhabitable conditions. Not only was I successful in my own dispute with the landlord, I have been successful in taking on some big management names in the surrounding communities. After the landlord issue, I started to see a greater need, where I could help not only my own community, but also the surrounding communities. Iowans that were not able to afford Christmas for their children. This made me reach out, & host an event in Quasqueton, IA (my hometown), in doing so, my husband, & I, were able to help hundreds of families over the 2019 Christmas season, along with gifts, we also put food boxes together, giving families the choice of either a ham, or turkey. We were so happy to have been able to help so many in need, as some literally had nothing. I am able to relate to people on a very different level, than your typical politician. I know what it's like to have nothing. I have been homeless, & have also known hunger. This being one of the very reasons for doing what I do, & now seeing that in office, I can PUSH for some REAL change. I'm tired of seeing a system that is broken, I am tired of hearing Iowans suffering. It's time for CHANGE, & that CHANGE is NOW. I want to thank each & every one of you for taking the time to read this. If you were able to donate to my campaign, great, if not, that is okay too! Money doesn't impress me, I've been rich, & I have been poor, I understand what Iowans are going through, so if you're not able to donate, please remember to get out there & VOTE in your primary June 2nd, 2020, & more importantly ELECTION DAY NOVEMBER 3rd, 2020! ***Key interests for me to take on, in my career in this position: Education(Increasing budgets, changing laws on having the same person in a principal position, also acting as superintendent, this currently goes against parent/guardian RIGHTS of due process, by jamming the chain of command)-Medicaid (END privatization)-Veteran affairs (Getting our Iowa Veterans the TRUE help they need, & NEVER allowing them to fall through the cracks, & NEVER experience being homeless)-Homeless Iowans (Passing bills that give the government/residents who have large homeless numbers, reduced, or ZERO authority when an agency wants to place housing for the homeless)-Farming-(Getting more funding for current, & those just starting out)-Decriminalizing Marijuana(With ZERO kickbacks for doing so,with any other Amendments)-Gun Rights(ENDING the government power, that INFRINGES OUR Constitutional RIGHTS)-Fathers RIGHTS (Limiting or holding child support if the mother FAILS to allow a Father HIS RIGHTS to HIS CHILD)-Limiting Government's Power Over The PEOPLE- Felon RIGHTS to be RESTORED after they have served their time-(Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness;“unbounded, unrestricted or released from constraint.”)-Protect & Defend both OUR UNITED STATES CONSTITUTION, & STATE CONSTITUTION- I encourage anyone wanting to discuss what issues are important, to please email me, or call anytime. Sincerely, Vanessa Gene Johnson -Johnson For Change- advocates@wethepeopleforthepeople.net (319) 519-1795

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Thank you so much for your generous donation! I care about your views, & would love for you to reach out to me anytime, to discuss what issues MATTER to YOU! Vanessa Gene Johnson -Johnson For Change- advocates@wethepeopleforthepeople.net 319-519-1795