Help empower Utahns!

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Civic engagement heals hyper-partisanship, balances out extremist voices and creates greater alignment with elected officials. With your help, we can get Utahns engaged in meaningful ways that lead to better policy, stronger communities and more responsive government. Please note: Action Utah is a 501(c)(4) charitable organization, which allows us to do important advocacy work as "the Lobbyist for the People". Donations are not deductible under tax law.

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You will be charged immediately, and then on the same day each subsequent month. You can cancel your monthly donation at any time.

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Thank you for your donation! You will receive a receipt in your email shortly. Can you do one more thing to make your donation go farther? Ask a friend join you in giving to Action Utah! Even $5 helps us empower Utahns to make a difference -- plus every donation given is an action taken toward our goal of 50,000 actions in 2020! Ask your friends to give at: Thank you!