Ali Noland for LRSD School Board

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Ali Noland is a mother of two, a public-education advocate, and an attorney who is running for Little Rock School Board in the central Little Rock zone encompassing the Heights and Hillcrest neighborhoods. Ali is invested in the success of our schools and sees this as a crucial turning point for the future of Little Rock. Ali believes in the power and promise of public education and hopes to use her campaign to increase community involvement and engagement in LRSD. During the last legislative session, Ali successfully led a grassroots movement to increase the amount of daily recess time that Arkansas elementary students receive, and she has been a strong and persuasive voice in the fight to regain local control of the Little Rock School District. Ali has a law degree from the University of Arkansas and an LL.M. degree in constitutional and civil rights law from American University. She has worked in the field of education law, including advising the Arkansas House and Senate Education Committees. With your support and help, Ali plans to bring her energy, expertise, and professionalism to the management of the Little Rock School District. All of our children, educators, and families deserve a district that runs smoothly, is responsive to the community, and provides a world-class education for all students.

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Thank you for donating to my campaign for Little Rock School Board! I am honored to have your support. Together, we can build a bright future for all children in Little Rock. Sincerely, Ali Noland (501) 258-6186