William Allen for Polk School Board-D1

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With over seventeen plus years in higher education, I have always worked towards creating positive change in the hearts and minds of students. I will continue to bring a unifying positive voice and an innovative vision to the Polk County School Board District 1 seat. To succeed in this effort, I need to mount an aggressive campaign. That is why I am inviting you to join my campaign and help make a real difference. I hope that you will help me to bring far-reaching stability and future opportunities to the K-12 students of Polk County. Sincerely, William Allen Thanks in advance for your encouragement and support.

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Thank you ! Do you know more people that will support our cause?

Snowball your impact by helping us reach your network. Can you take the next step and share with friends and family to help reach the goal?

On behalf of the William Allen Campaign, I would like to thank you for your generous support. Your commitment to helping our campaign is sincerely appreciated.

With the help from supporters like you we will win this election!

Looking ahead, please spread the word and let your peer group and beyond know about our campaign. If you are interested in volunteering, please let us know at AllenforPolk

Thanks again for your generous support.

Sincerely, William Allen