American Heroes Project

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For most of a lifetime, Captain Steve Henline has been a guide and fisherman. He has fished and been involved with fishing charter operations from Anchorage, Alaska to Zihuatanajo, Mexico. Most recently he was at Utah’s beautiful Lake Powell where he had a charter and guiding business.Through the years he has made his skills and boats available to our nation’s veterans and special needs children without charge. This was his way to say thank you to the veterans for their service and a way to share with the children something that has given him a lifetime of happiness: fishing and being on the water.As our soldiers began to return from Iraq and later Afghanistan, he saw many suffering horrific wounds and lost limbs. Captain Henline was haunted by what he saw. News stories from veteran’s hospitals left him sleepless as he struggled with their suffering and wept at the great price our men and women have paid with their blood on far off desert sands.His determination to do something steeled him against any obstacles he would encounter as he strived to find a way to help.

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We want to thank you for your donation. We couldn't do this without your help! Our goal is to reduce the effects of Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD), Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI), and the subsequent high suicide rates by providing healing outdoor recreational therapy to Utah’s disabled combat veterans and their families utilizing Hand in Hand Outdoor’s fleet of boats, professional captains, volunteer staff and councilors from the VA. We want to provide meaningful lifelong outdoor activities, help mitigate the effects of Post Traumatic Stress Disorder, Traumatic Brain Injury, and help reduce the high suicide rates of our military and disabled veteran communities.