Andrew Arevalo for IID Director Division 1

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After great consideration, I’m excited to formally announce my candidacy for Imperial Irrigation District: Division 1.

As a third-generation Imperial Valley resident, El Centro has and always will be my home. Although my family is widely known for education in our community, agriculture is also an integral part of my family’s history. Both of my grandfathers worked in our local fields – one as a foreman for IID at the Western Division for 35 years and the other, Manuel Gonzales, who ran a successful trucking business where he worked alongside several of our local farmers. My mother and father also worked in the local fields as kids, teenagers, and adults. My family’s legacy, hard work, and commitment to our Valley paved the way for my future.

I’m currently in my 7th year as an educator for the McCabe Union Elementary School District and recently began my 2nd year as a Board Trustee for the El Centro Elementary School District. During my tenure as an educator and board trustee, I have received several local and national awards and recognitions. I was also selected to work with the U.S. Department of Education under the Trump and Biden administrations to address the leading systemic issues in education across the country. Additionally, I was part of the team that reopened El Centro schools amid the pandemic, kept them open, and passed the most impactful budget in the history of the district to support El Centro’s growth, safety, and reopening efforts. Education is my passion, but I am ready to step up and serve the community in a new role where I truly believe I can help.

My goals among many include:

● Restoring faith and trust of the community back in IID. Constant infighting, personal attacks, and chaos have left the community feeling betrayed by our leaders. I pledge to bring unity to the board by working alongside all directors for the people. Respect, integrity, and transparency will be fundamental to working efficiently.

● Fighting to protect our water rights. As the drought on the Colorado River worsens and key agreements expire, the Imperial Valley will continue to face added pressure from outside agencies, special interest groups, and other communities who seek control over the Imperial Valley’s historic water rights. I am ready to fight and to protect our resources for our people, our growth, and our future.

● Putting electric ratepayers first. With rising temperatures and rising costs, Imperial Valley’s ratepayers are left with less and less in their wallets after paying rising monthly power bills. On the IID board, I will put ratepayers first to keep our bills low and affordable, and make decisions that don’t place special interests ahead of the community’s interests.

We need leaders who won’t put their individual needs above the community’s. We need leaders who are committed to working in unity to solve the pending issues we are currently facing and the future issues that will arise. And most importantly, we need leaders we can faithfully trust. That’s what I bring to the table – Leadership for Today and Tomorrow.

If you are interested in helping get my name on the ballot with a signature, please text (760) 960-1304. And please don’t forget to vote Andrew Arevalo for Imperial Irrigation District: Division 1. Thank you!

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Committee to Elect Andrew Arevalo for IID Director Division 1, 2022

1916 Vine St. | El Centro, CA 92243

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