Andrew Stoddard for Utah House

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I ran in 2018 because I wanted to build better communities. I felt like we did not have a strong voice in the legislature, and wanted to change that. I was elected in 2018 and starting serving in the legislature in 2019. Throughout this whole process, I have tried to be the passionate, effective voice that I felt our district was missing. Since being elected, I have worked on legislation dealing with public safety, education, public health, gun violence, tax reform, and a number of other important issues that affect each resident of the district. Many of the issues that I am working on are being addressed through small progressive steps. Because of that, I am starting to get ready for my next election in 2024. I promise to continue fighting for the issues that matter to the residents of my House District and greatly appreciate any donations!

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Thank you so much for your donation! I appreciate the trust and support that you are showing me, and I promise that I will use it wisely. In 2020 there will be many opportunities to help on my campaign. Please subscribe to email updates at and follow me on social media. Also, please tell your friends, family, neighbors, etc. that you have made a donation and ask them to join this fight to build better communities!