Annie Hightower for CWI Board of Trustees - Supporting Student Success and a Vibrant Community

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I believe in the power of education to expand opportunities and broaden horizons. I have served the College of Western Idaho for 4 years, ensuring board transparency, ethical decision making, and supporting our students and faculty and staff.

I know that education can change lives. The programs of the College of Western Idaho, including workforce development, career and technical education, and academic programming, support a thriving community and businesses in the Treasure Valley. CWI is the premier community college in Idaho, offering affordable, accessible, high quality education. As a CWI trustee, I will continue to focus on fulfilling the CWI mission in service of our students, employees, and the broader community

I was born and raised in Idaho and graduated from Boise State University and later from Gonzaga University College of Law. I am a committed public servant whose professional career has been dedicated to ensuring continuing access to education. I live in Boise with her husband who is a wildland firefighter, my three kids (13, 9, and 2), and various animals.

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Ann Burns, Treasurer

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Thank you so much for your donation and support of affordable, accessible, high quality education in the Treasure Valley.

Annie Hightower