I have an inescapable urge to continue to serve students, families, leaders and teachers after 40+ years serving as a superintendent, asst. superintendent, principal and teacher. Your donation will afford me the opportunity to work and support the needs to address the shifts of teaching and learning as well as leadership post pandemic to ensure all will meet their full potential. My three major lifts as board member are; 1. Early Literacy, 2. Vital Career and Technical Education programs, 3. Accountability:
1. Early Literacy success will drive the success of the district. We must have a program that intentionally address children and families form age three to third grade to close the literacy gap. 2. Career Technical Education offering must be offered that will allow internship and job entry after high school. 3. Accountability must be measures must start with the board, superintendent and to all level of the district.
Once again, thank you for your vote and generous support.
James Q. Bacchus
Bacchus for School Board Dist. 4
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