I am running for Utah legislature because I have the energy, experience, and collaborative skills needed to solve our very serious water, climate, and quality of life problems. A wise individual once said "Change will not come if we wait for some other person or some other time. We are the ones we've been waiting for. We are the change that we seek." I'm fired up and ready to go to work for a better Utah.
My expertise in water, natural resources, and education are strongly needed in our state right now. And my skills and experience as listener, data cruncher, community organizer, and communicator will ensure the many voices of Cache Valley are well represented in the legislature. I am excited and committed to run a positive campaign focused on key issues, guided by my core values of integrity, respect, innovation, accountability, and compassion.
This is a winnable seat in Utah's House of Representatives, but it will take tremendous effort between now and Nov 5 to convey my message and connect with the 35,000 voters in my district. Here's where I need your help. Donations will be used to support development of my website and other campaign materials (e.g., mailers, business cards, door hangers, yard signs, t-shirts), as well as community and campaign events that help me connect with voters.
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Paid for by Belmont4Utah
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