Help Elect Ben Rogers as Independence County Judge

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It is with great pride that I announce my intention to run as the Republican candidate for the office of County Judge of Independence County.


Independence County is where I grew up. When I was medically retired from the military and we found out we were expecting, there was no other place that we wanted to raise our child.


While on active duty, I received my degree in Environmental Science with a focus in city planning. This gives me a unique insight on ways to improve functionality in areas of our county that may have been previously overlooked, and ways to serve you, its citizens, better.


Judge Griffin has made measurable progress in many areas of our county, from balancing a budget that was far into the red when he took over, to the miles upon miles of roads and bridges that he has repaired and maintained. If elected, I plan to continue this trend as well as increase progress and make further improvements.

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Thank you so much for your contribution to my campaign. It is only with the help of individuals like yourselves that we can win.