Hello everyone, my name is Tom Moore and I recently completed my Eagle project. For my project I tore down two failed wooden retaining walls, built over 80 feet of new wall with 13 posts, filled the area behind with gravel for drainage, and spent a total of over 350 man hours at Monte Vista High School. It took a little over 4 days to complete, with 36 people working in over 90 degree weather. The week before my project, my school told me that they would not be able to provide the funds I was relying on and I am currently seeking funds to pay for what I spent on the project. Donations will be used to cover any costs on the project.
This includes
Lumber: 1506.25
Nuts, bolts and other materials. 154.46
Gravel: 311.98
Food: 726.3
Anything purchased during the project that was not originally planned (extra quick concrete, buckets, etc.) - 103.11
Contribution Disclaimer:
Any additional funds will be donated to another Eagle project at the same location that is being organized by another Scout in my troop.
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