Bish for Congress, Sacramento's Hometown Girl

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It's time for a change in Congress. It's time for someone who Understands Our Community, Supports Our Schools, Protects Our Communities, Improves Our Lives.

Someone who Cares about us and stands up for Our Families Every Day!

We need a Leader who Lives in Our Community to Advocate and Represent us in Congress.

Christine Bish has been a part of the District for nearly 40 years, raised four children in our schools and is working in our neighborhoods every day.

Christine Bish has the skills and experience to Lead us in Congress.

Contribution Disclaimer:

Contributions to Christine Bish for Congress are not deductible as charitable contributions for federal income tax purposes. The maximum amount an individual may contribute to Christine Bish for Congress is $6,600, which is $3,300 per election. With the signature of each spouse, a couple may contribute up to $13,200 ($6,600 per election) from joint funds. (For purposes of these limits, Primary and General Election are deemed to be separate elections.) Contributions in any amount from corporations, labor organizations, federal government contractors, and foreign nationals are prohibited. The first $3,300 will be designated for the 2024 Primary Election. The second $3,300 will be designated for the 2024 General Election. By contributing, you agree to receive electronic communications from Christine Bish for Congress.

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Snowball your impact by helping us reach your network. Can you take the next step and share with friends and family to help reach the goal?

Thank you so much for your donation.

I look forward to Serving you and our Great Nation.

Christine Bish

Candidate for California's 6th District