Cymone Bolding for Phoenix City Council

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Cymone Bolding is running for the open seat on the Phoenix City Council in District 7. Cymone will bring a dynamic perspective on City Council through her extensive experience in both community and government. She currently serves as the Co-Executive Director of Arizona Coalition for Change and recently served at City Hall as Chief of Staff in Council District 8. Its clear the challenges and opportunities facing Phoenix are vast, from public safety to education to the economy. But Cymone is poised to fight for a forward focused Phoenix and thriving community for all. A place where people can work one job and take care of their family. She is dedicated to ensuring this vision becomes the reality we want to see in our city. Join her in the movement. The general election takes place November 3, 2020. Cymone lives in Phoenix with her husband (Reginald) and her daughters (Faith, Grace)

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Thank you so much for supporting our movement. This campaign is about more than a city council race. It's about building a Phoenix that works for everyone. I promise to do my part to fight for this vision for us all. Please share your donation below and keep up with the campaign on our social media channels. In the spirit of victory, Cymone