Brittney for Highland City Council

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Highland is great because of the vision and sacrifice of those who built these great neighborhoods decades ago. In fact, it is considered by many one of the top 3 premier suburbs of Utah. In order to keep it that way, we need to resist major changes to our low density residential zones. As a member of the City Council, I want to protect the look and feel of Highland. I want to keep the large lots and limit development as outlined In the General Plan. Increased development and traffic are changing the nature of our great city and I want to keep Highland the unique, special, beautiful place it was meant to be. Developers and businesses see the beauty and potential of Highland and want to be here, but want exceptions to the development codes and changes in zoning to accommodate high-density housing. A few places for multi-family housing on major corridors currently exist on our General Plan, but right next to single family homes in the heart of our community should be out of the question. Our roads have not been able to keep up with the traffic demands of our growing population. The City Council recently passed a Transportation Fee, and residents will soon be asked to pay more for public safety. New parks have been suggested, yet some residents feel that some existing parks, trails and open space aren’t adequately maintained. As a member of the City Council, I will focus on a prioritization of the maintenance needs of open spaces, parks and trails so that we can address those needs in an organized, thoughtful and responsible way. I will work with staff and the funds acquired by the road fee to make sure we are planning for the transportation needs of a changing northern Utah County. I have a Master’s degree in Public Policy Analysis and have dedicated much of my time over the past 20 years to serving and working in various capacities in the community. I currently sit on the Highland City Planning Commission, so I am well aware of the unique issues Highland faces. I sit on numerous councils, committees and advisory boards across the community. I have taught American Heritage and American Institutions at UVU, a local high school and am currently teaching at SLCC. I have a passion for public policy and public service. I am currently raising my five children in Highland and love living in a place with shared values and an enduring vision. I want to foster a positive community spirit by bridging ideas while preserving and protecting the original vision for Highland. Together, we need to be conscious decision-makers as we look towards building Highland’s future and preserving its character.

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Thank you so much for your support. I am committed to doing my best to research the issues and listen to the residents of Highland to ensure that Highland continues to be a wonderful place to live.