Robert Bryant for Georgia Public Service Commission

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Savannah native and lifelong Georgian Dr. Robert G. “Bobby” Bryant is no stranger to the complexities facing Georgia’s coastline, harming our natural resources and water supplies, and increasing our light bills. Robert has always been curious and concerned about how pollutants impact environments, communities, and individuals. He is a product of Chatham County public schools and a graduate of Windsor Forest High School. As a student Robert won accolades at the Savannah Science Fair for his cutting-edge project on lead poisoning and its environmental impact. Robert’s intellectual curiosity stayed with him as he earned bachelor’s and master’s degrees from Georgia Southern University and later a Ph.D. in adult education from the University of Georgia. He has built his career and professional reputation in the field of higher education at several fine Southern colleges and universities. Robert has always embraced service in his community. From a childhood spent in the Boy Scouts and the Columbian Squires, to adult leadership in the Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity and the Georgia State Conference of the NAACP, Robert truly has a heart for servant leadership. Robert now channels his curiosity and servant heart into activism. He is ready to challenge Georgia Power’s rising light bills, promote green energy and its benefits for Georgia’s economy, and protect our water sources and wildlife.

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I am very thankful for your donation to our movement forward. Please know that our goal is to manage our campaign in the most fiscally responsible manner possible. Please consider a pledge and being a campaign volunteer. I also would hope that you can share our social media information so that others learn about the campaign. Thank you, Robert G. Bryant