Extend Your Branches From Deep Roots

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Afro-American Historical and Genealogical Society – Utah

Extend your branches from deep roots

Utah AAHGS's mission is to share the story of African American culture and history in Utah. We are part of the Africa Diaspora. It is widely spread, and so is our story.

General Information

Utah AAHGS is solely dedicated to the discovery, preservation, and teaching of the history and culture of people of the African diaspora in Utah. We are a membership organization that teaches family history research and preservation techniques. We assist members in research techniques unique to the descendant of the formerly enslaved.

We produce events like lectures, conferences, and seminars on African American history to help members put their personal family stories into historical context.

We are working hard to raise funds to pay expenses for supplies, equipment, and cost related to production expenses like facility fees, rental fees, and marketing, and others. We also produce exhibits focusing on African American history and culture through partnering organizations like museums, events centers, and cultural centers.

Our goal is to raise $10,000 by April 1, 2021.

Your donation today of $10, $20 $50, $75, $100, $250, or as much as you can afford helps Utah AAHGS to prove a great educational opportunity to our community.

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