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Battle Ground sits at the edge of opportunity. With an expanding population our needs as a community have grown as well. We have needs to provide for our police and fire. We have needs for parks and roads. As residents of our city we want to maintain and improve the livability and focus on the affordability of our community. As a member of the Battle Ground city council, I am committed to focusing on these issues. At times it will not be easy but I am committed to doing what's right for our residents. To do this, I need help. To run a successful campaign, I need to get my message out. This means money. With your financial support I can do that. Please consider giving whatever amount you can to help me reach our community and use my experience and knowledge to make and keep Battle Ground a great place to live.

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Thank you ! Do you know more people that will support our cause?

Snowball your impact by helping us reach your network. Can you take the next step and share with friends and family to help reach the goal?

Thank you for your support and inspiration. I can't do this alone. I need each one of yours help to be successful and am thankful for it.