Cecilia Truman for Menifee City Council District 3

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I made the decision to run for office to make a difference in our community and in our state and to fight for freedom, family values, small businesses and to DEFEND our First Responders and Police. I have been in this valley for 25 years and have seen the exponential growth and changes throughout these years. Although we live in a growing community we still have the small town feel. I will fight to hold on to these traditions and the value of community! Freedom, faith and family are the foundation of a strong community and a strong country! I vow to fight for fiscal transparency, parental rights, our first responders, and small business! We are blessed with the precious document of our Constitution which protects all citizens. I vow to defend and uphold our Constitutional rights! Please join in on this fight for freedom by supporting Cecilia Truman to be the next Menifee City Council Member!

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Thank you for your recent contribution to Cecilia Truman for Menifee City Council D3. Every day we rely on the generous support of people like you and your support helps us continue to accomplish our shared vision. You can stay current with us by visiting our website and engaging with us on social media. Once again, thank you for your generous support. Sincerely, Cecilia Truman for Menifee City Council D3