Ending Veteran Homelessness

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What is Change Haven?

Change Haven is an organization focused on ending veteran homelessness through housing, employment and innovative solutions.

We operate an on-site emergency housing unit for veterans and their families who are experiencing homelessness. We assist through rigorous case management followed by life skills trainings. Currently, we are operating at max capacity of 7 bedrooms with participants locating housing between 30-120 days.

Who is Change Haven? We are veterans, military spouses and their children who are passionate to help homeless veterans overcome life challenges.

Why do we care? Honestly, its simple. We have experienced loss, fear, failure and pain. We understand the WHY. We understand why our brothers and sisters are homeless and we want them to know they still have a military family.

How do we end veteran homelessness? ACTION! We focus on providing on-site emergency housing and case management in collaboration with community partners who focus on life skills such as mental/ behavioral health, life coach, financial literacy, emotional intelligence ad much more. We build collaboration and friendship....a Comradery.

Together we can change the future, so lets start today!

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©2025 Powered by FundHero ®

Donations are subject to FundHero's privacy policy.

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You will be charged immediately, and then on the same day each subsequent month. You can cancel your monthly donation at any time.

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Thank you ! Do you know more people that will support our cause?

Snowball your impact by helping us reach your network. Can you take the next step and share with friends and family to help reach the goal?

First, let us say......THANK YOU for donating to our cause!

We want all our donors to stay updated on how Change Haven is growing and impacting our community. So, please share your donation, like us on Facebook and subscribe to our newsletter.

For real, for real....We cherish our donors and without you we would not be able to accomplish our mission!

Again, THANK YOU for your support!


The Change Haven Family