Charles Tuttle For North Dakota Superintendent of Public Instruction (DPI)

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As an immigrant to this country, my very existence is a testament to the importance of a solid education. I arrived in this country as a three-year-old orphan (who only spoke Italian, no English at all). I attended school and learned the English language in addition to the fundamental academic skills (mathematics, reading, and writing). My public school education was overseen by my loving adopted parents who worked in conjunction with my many great teachers. Thankfully, the concept of 'common core' had not yet materialized back when I was a student. Our North Dakota students today, however, are not so lucky. I am running for Superintendent of Public Instruction because the status quo currently is not providing our students with the tools to be successful. My education gave me the tools to succeed. I want no less for today's students. When one has a solid academic foundation, the opportunities are endless. I live and work in the real world, where 40% is an "F". Please, take a look at what is going on in our local North Dakota classrooms. I know it will shock many of you to realize that here, in our very own state, our students are not being given an edequate education. Join me in transforming our North Dakota K-12 education system from the absolute failure it is currently into the student-oriented organization of academic excellence that our children need!

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Thank you for helping to ensure that our students in North Dakota are given the best possible tools to succeed both in the classroom and beyond high school graduation!