Christina Morley for East Goshen Township Supervisor

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Hello Friends!

I am excited to announce that I am a candidate for a seat on the East Goshen Township Board of Supervisors. Like many of you, East Goshen has been my home for 20 years. I'm a wife, a parent, a neighbor, a frontline worker, a volunteer, and an engaged citizen. Our shared experiences are an extraordinary combination of voices that deserve proper representation in the community.

The East Goshen Board of Supervisors meetings have been dominated by a range of important issues lately: a worldwide pandemic inhibiting in-person meetings and community gatherings; a highly volatile pipeline; a controversial town center; a suspicious subsidence/sinkhole; industrial noise disturbances; and serial incidents involving a corporation that does not respect our community. I have been a regular attendee at these meetings for the past four years. I've listened as you submitted public comments over Zoom calls. I've read your posts on NextDoor. I've heard some people say that they feel like no one is listening. But I assure you, I've been listening. And I've been advocating on behalf of all of us for a very long time.

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Your support is greatly appreciated! I am honored to have your support and humbly accept this call to public service.