Support Delegate Heather Bagnall

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Our campaign in this election is about giving District 33 back it's voice in the Maryland House of Delegates. For too long District 33 has been silenced by a belief from our leadership that we could not and should not change.

Our campaign is about bringing a new voice and vision to government.

I grew up in District 33 and I will proudly represent our interests as we face the mounting challenges to our state and local communities and the needs of our youth, our seniors, and our working families. I am a home-town girl and a grass-roots candidate with the energy, enthusiasm, and skills to create a strong, effective coalition, but I cannot do it without your support.

Please contribute as much as you feel able as I work not only to get District 33 in the room, but to give us an important and necessary seat at the table.

Thank you for your support!

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You will be charged immediately, and then on the same day each subsequent month. You can cancel your monthly donation at any time.

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Thank you for making a contribution to support the work and campaign of Delegate Heather Bagnall. Your support is very much appreciated. Follow the campaign at