Coleman for District Judge

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Hello, I wanted to take a moment to make an announcement. After lots of consideration and conversations with my family, friends and colleagues I have decided I will be running for District Judge in the May primary election.

Following District Judge Jay Gaskill’s decision to retire and not seek reelection, I have decided to run for his seat. Through my service as a Prosecutor for more than 11 years, I have had a front row view of our criminal justice system. I have always made it a priority in my office that we fight for fair and just sentences and I have worked hard to improve our criminal justice system from my position. But Judges ultimately decide sentencing and have a tremendous impact on changes within the system.

Judge Gaskill has always had a great demeanor from the bench and approached each person before him with respect and empathy. I have also seen him remind people how fortunate we are to work in the Second District, where attorneys are professional and work well with one another. I want to continue those traditions.

If I’m fortunate enough to be elected by the people of the Second District, I would approach every person in Court with professionalism and respect- whether an attorney, defendant, victim or witness. If elected District Judge, I promise to examine each criminal case before me and focus on ensuring fair and just sentences. I would bring both my criminal and civil legal experience to the bench and work hard every day for the citizens of the District.

I look forward to talking to the voters about my candidacy and their thoughts about our justice system over the next few months.

Thank you.   -JC

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