Elect Kyle Simpson Macomb County Commissioner 13th District

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I'm running for change in Macomb county. This is a grassroots campaign that isn't stuck in the mud of our current political climate. Macomb is a great place to live and I want to make it even better by focusing on common sense solutions. I want to make sure our schools are properly funded, that business and retail continue to be vibrant, that mental health is a priority and that our diversity continues to be our strength. Together we can make a better Macomb. I was born and raised on the south side of Chicago. I moved to Macomb county in 2008 during a time when many people were leaving. The economy was in recession, the survival of the auto industry was in question and the prospect of a prosperous future for our region was in doubt. Today we have recovered as a region and re-imagined what it means to be strong, proud and prosperous. Now our challenge is to be unified as a community, region, state and nation so that we can overcome the obstacles that still lay before us. That's why I need your support. Join Me in bringing change to Macomb!

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Thank You! Your contribution is greatly appreciated. Please share our campaign with your friends and don't forget to vote for me in the primary election on August 4th. Let's bring change to Macomb!