Crystal Blacketer for Judge

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Our country from its beginning has strongly favored judicial independence. I am not a politician. I do not have friends in high places or unlimited wealth at my disposal. I put my pants on the same way you do each morning. 

I am the daughter of a carpenter and payroll clerk. I was the first one in my immediate family to graduate from college. The first to graduate from law school. The first to open her own business. I grew up in a modest ranch style home. No one paid my way. I started babysitting when I was 12; and then obtained a work permit when I was 14 so I could go to work at a greenhouse while I was in junior high and high school. I worked through college and law school. I have worked hard for everything I have achieved in my life. I was an honors student in high school and college. 

In law school, I made law review and graduated in the top half of my class. I went to work after graduating from law school while studying for the bar exam. I successfully passed the bar exam on my first attempt. I have worked continuously as a lawyer for the last 18 years. I have worked at small firms, large firms, and opened my own firm here in historic St. Charles, Missouri in 2008. 

In 2013, I chose to move my family to St. Charles. My business had been rooted in St. Charles since I hung my shingle on Historic Main Street in 2008; my husband and I decided it was time to plant our family in the community that we trusted to provide food on our table, a roof over our head, and a pillow under our head each night. We wanted to be part of the greatest county in Missouri. My oldest daughter graduated from St. Charles West High School. My youngest daughter attends Discovery Elementary in Orchard Farm School District. I have been the co-leader of my youngest daughter’s Girl Scout Troop for the last 6 years.  


In mid-2013 I co-founded the St. Charles County Family Resource Center. At that point in my legal career, I had been working with children as guardian ad litem for five years. I recognized that children in St. Charles County did not have a safe and secure place to visit with a parent suffering from addiction, mental illness, or other impairment. My goal in founding St. Charles County Family Resource Center was protect the youngest and most vulnerable in St. Charles County. With much hard work and dedication, St. Charles County Family Resource Center has been providing supervised visitation services for the last eight years.  


I believe in the citizens of St. Charles County. The strength of St. Charles lies in the hearts and homes of our citizens. We were all born with certain inalienable rights, including life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. St. Charles Countians deserve to be secure in their persons, their children, their homes, and their communities. We do not need our judges to make new law; we need judges to serve the law fully and faithfully. We need judges that follow the Constitution and enforce the laws as written. 

I promise you that I will serve the law fully and faithfully as your next Division 9 Associate Circuit Court Judge. Together we can make St. Charles County stronger and safer. 

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