Dawn Stevenson Utah House District 27

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When the youngest of my five children started pre-school, I made a choice that made all the difference in my life; I went back to school as a 33-year-old college student. I became the valedictorian at my junior college, and I realized for the first time in my life that I was smart. My dream marriage was falling apart. I believed I would eventually have to provide for my children. It took me 9 years to complete my bachelor’s degree in English teaching. I then completed a master’s degree in school counseling, and eventually another master’s program in education administration. Education opened the door for my success as a secondary school counselor and a state level education program leader.

Education made all the difference. It does for all of us, for our children, and for our grandchildren. Not just college education—everyone needs training in addition to high school: on-the-job, certifications, internships, apprenticeships, military, all the trades. We must teach students to do school as if their life depends on it—because it does.

I am a baby boomer. I have enjoyed all the benefits of my generation: stable employment, secure housing, ever expanding opportunities, and an environment not in crisis. It is my sacred obligation to provide those same benefits for you, for your children and your grandchildren. You deserve the freedom of a good education, employment opportunities, stable housing, a stable economy, an ethical government, and a healthy environment that will support you and the generations to come. 

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