Vote Deana Froerer

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I'm a proud mom, teacher, and community member. I live in Huntsville and work in Ogden. I have four kids, a wonderful husband, and thousands of students I have taught over many years. My life's mission has been to make life better for our kids and community and I'm running for the Utah Legislature to serve YOU, not to pursue a political career. If elected, I will work to ensure that decisions made in the legislature will make life better for you and our community. I will bring the same passion to representing YOU as I bring to my own family and students--driven by common sense and compassion, not self-interest or partisanship. Your support is what drives this campaign. By donating, you help us prove that an authentic, compassionate representative is what the people of House District 8 want. Thanks for joining our team! Best regards --Deana Froerer For more information: or call Deana at 801.388.7162

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