The Committee To Elect Kathleen Dodaro

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Hello, my name is Kathleen Dodaro, I am a Colorado Native. I live in the Hyland Hills area with my husband Dave and have lived in Adams County most of my life. I come from a family that values hard work. My mother worked as a factory worker and my father worked on the railroad his entire career. My grandparents were Italian immigrants who saw the hope and opportunity that America had to offer. When I am not working, I spend time with my grandson fishing, traveling, and mentoring him


My husband Dave and I have lived in Westminster twenty-three years and have seen a great deal of growth in the city. There are many wonderful things that have changed, but there are also things we need to address as a community to protect our livelihood, wellbeing, and safety. I plan to be part of the common-sense solutions that help our average residents in their daily lives.

I will focus on responsible, controlled growth for the city and work to restore reasonable water rates for the families of Westminster. I will work to reduce crime and defend our open space to protect your suburban way of life. I am committed to servant leadership and will listen to the constituents who elect me. I commit to responsible spending in City government and understand that costs are passed on to you the residents when there is irresponsible spending. I am ready to work collaboratively with other well-intended officials committed to public service.

Thank you,


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