Elect Chelsey R. Robinson

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I am a candidate for Judge of the 2nd Judicial Subcircuit, Cook County, Illinois. I am a proud product of the Roseland Community and have been a resident of Hazel Crest, Illinois for seventeen years. I was nurtured and molded by my experiences in my community and I desire to make it even greater. Moreover, it is important for people to see judges from their community on the bench. Therefore, I am writing to request that you support my candidacy for judge. For the past 23 years, I have come before judges in my capacity as a criminal defense attorney as well as a plaintiff’s attorney for individuals with claims against those more powerful than they are. I stand for the premise that everyone deserves a meaningful day in court. Every person who seeks justice should have the benefit of a judge who will not treat their case as a mere formality to further a personal or political agenda. Judges have an obligation to uphold the law and provide the people with real justice. That is what I will do if elected. I am well-versed in the law and I stay abreast of legal changes and trends. I bring a fresh insightful view of the law in my advocacy as an attorney. It is important to me to apprise myself of every legal prospective relative to any issues I address. Fellow attorneys and judges I appear before routinely express that I am prepared, comprehensive, diligent, and that I have integrity. As a legal consultant for a popular nationally syndicated court television show, I have versatility and a broad working knowledge of various aspects of the law. I respect the law and hold the position to which I aspire in the highest regard. I believe outreach to the community in which we serve is essential. My work in the community includes feeding Chicago’s homeless community, sponsoring expungement seminars, providing Christmas gifts to children of incarcerated parents, hosting community barbeques, distributing school supplies, and mentoring incarcerated youth. I am also a member of the NAACP -Chicago Southside and the 5th District Pastoral Subcommittee and the Chair of the Criminal Justice Committee. With your support, I will serve Cook County’s citizens with distinction and will help make our community an even greater testament to what dedication, hard work, and unity can accomplish.

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