Back Bish for Congress: California's Conservative Fighter Needs Your Support!

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This campaign started as a mission; it was personal. In the past year, both the campaign and I as a candidate have grown.

Our path to victory has taken on new goals and purposes as our nation has been pushed to the brink of war.

Our children are used against us as pawns as establishment politicians erode and trample on our rights. Our community is suffering under my opponent's reign. The homeless crisis is out of control.

Our schools are failing our children. Education has been pushed aside for political agendas. History has been revised to teach children to hate our country. The fight for our country, our heritage, our way of life has never been so important as now.

The outpouring of support and excitement is exhilarating and humbling. Only in this country could an average person, like me, have the privilege to help shape a future as the Constitution intended.

We need a person in Congress who Works in Our Community, Knows Our Schools, Knows Our Parks, Knows Our Roads. A person who Knows Us and fights for Our Families Every day.

We deserve a Neighbor who Lives in Our Community to Serve and Represent us in Congress.

Thank you,

Christine Bish

Contribution Disclaimer:

Contributions to Christine Bish for Congress are not deductible as charitable contributions for federal income tax purposes. The maximum amount an individual may contribute to Christine Bish for Congress is $6,600, which is $3,300 per election. With the signature of each spouse, a couple may contribute up to $13,200 ($6,600 per election) from joint funds. (For purposes of these limits, Primary and General Election are deemed to be separate elections.) Contributions in any amount from corporations, labor organizations, federal government contractors and foreign nationals are prohibited. The first $3,300 will be designated for the 2024 Primary Election. The second $3,300 will be designated for the 2024 General Election. By contributing, you agree to receive electronic communications from Chris Bish for Congress.

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Dear {firstname}, Thank you! Your {amount} contribution to my campaign has made it possible to begin purchasing commercial advertising for the November 2024 General Election. The race is heating up and we have an even greater amount of work to do before November. I know how hard people work for their money. Your support and financial help are greatly appreciated. You have given my campaign a great boost. Sincerely, Christine Bish PS: Don't forget to keep up with our campaign through our website at or on Social Media: @BishForCongress