Elect Shelley English for Wenatchee City Council - District 2

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For too long, we've had the same names and faces on our local city council. It's time for a change! With the City divided into districts, you have the opportunity for specific representation for YOUR neighborhood! My opponent thinks Council districts and neighborhood representation are a bad idea.

From the Wenatchee World - May 24th 2019

Poirier said he voted for districts to protect Wenatchee from a future lawsuit, but he preferred the old system. He said he’s concerned the offices will get fewer candidates and those elected will focus on their own districts instead of the city as a whole.

I live in the heart of District 2 and I believe representation matters. We can advocate for our districts while still considering the City as a whole. Those two ideas are not mutually exclusive. If you honor me with your votes, you'll have a Councilmember who will focus on YOU.

So what do we need in our District? I want YOU to tell me! I'll be canvassing our District to meet as many voters as possible and hear what's important to you. Please visit my Facebook page and let me know!

District 2 is a racially and socioeconomically diverse District and we need a Councilmember who will represent the needs of ALL of our neighbors. I'd be honored to represent all of you on the City Council!

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