Eric Biggart for Utah House District 32

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Our state is growing fast. We need leadership that will grow with it. Experience, ideas, humility, and action are the recipe to help us manage and plan for that future together. My priority has always been to listen, to learn, and to gather input from all voices across our diverse and changing district. I don’t have answers. But together, we can do anything. My family has always worked hard to earn a life here in Utah, but too many residents of this state continue to fall behind no matter how hard they work. It’s not an even playing field for all of us, but if we first recognize the world we live in, we can first hope for a better version in the future. And then we fight together to make it real. I hope you will join me in the fight.

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I cannot thank you enough for supporting this campaign. If you have any questions or want to get involved, please visit