Support Christa Tichy for County Council!

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Business, Unity, Investment, Leadership, Diversity – I will BUILD a future for Montgomery County.

As a parent, female Master Electrician, humanitarian, and Montgomery County resident I embrace the challenge and commitment it takes to serve this County. This job requires intense dedication to the values of our community and a commitment to transparency that will lead to trust. As a 20-year resident of Montgomery County I have seen changes taking place in our ongoing diverse community, the expansion of schools, jobs, infrastructure, and the challenges of mental health needs and environmental sustainability.

My platform builds on the County’s Thrive Montgomery Plan, with an eye on addressing the most pressing challenges facing the county.

Please visit our Campaign Website for more information.

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By signing you affirm that you understand and agree to these rules for Public Financing: 1) This contribution is made in my name from my own funds and is not being reimbursed in any manner. 2) This contribution is not made from the funds of a political action committee, labor organization, state or local party central committee, sole proprietor, LLC, or LLP. 3) This Contribution is made on a personal credit or debit card for which I have the legal obligation to pay, and is not made either on a corporate or business entity card or on the card of another person. 4) I certify that I have not made individual aggregate contributions to Friends of Christa Tichy of more than $250 for the election cycle. 5) I certify the information provided is accurate and truthful.

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Thank you for donating to our campaign. We are grateful for each and every one of our supporters. If you are interested in further supporting this campaign, consider volunteering with us! Learn more about volunteering by emailing us at