Help elect Decker to the Illinois State House

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I'm a hard working family man, fierce community advocate, loyal friend and trusted neighbor. I want nothing but the best for my neighbors, and that includes wanting the best representation in Springfield. We need an advocate for the people and a loud one for sure. We need a state representative that's not going to fall in line and be quiet, as we continue to be over taxed and under served.

I may not be your typical candidate, but I'm ready to work hard for our district and our state with open and honest transparency. Conversations about our state's issues literally need to be forced. None of our legislators want to answer for policies and practices, that are hurting us, they only want to talk, but won't talk or respond to the "real talk" unscripted questions. Help put me in Springfield and watch the feathers get ruffled in a good way, for the people. There's no candidate that will be more passionate or louder about bringing change to Illinois.

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On behalf of myself and the entire campaign team, we all thank you very much for your help in bringing change.