Friends of Daniel Martin

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Hi! I am Daniel Martin. I am running to represent you in dist 28. I am a veteran, Went to Portland State and worked for others for 10 years, and quit college to start my own business. I have been married 41 years. WE MUST MAINTAIN THE RULE OF LAW, The Constitution is our frame work to preserve our way of life. Every bump in our road helps us become a "More Perfect Union." I believe the Second Amendment to the Constitution is necessity to maintain our freedom. I am asking for your support financially if possible, and on your ballot. My duty as an elected official is to make and support laws that reflect your values. I am objective and am fair to all.

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Thank you for your support. I am here to represent you! If like minded people get together to uphold the constitution, we can remain free people. every law that passes seems to take us one step closer to government taking power and control from the people. We need good sense in Salem. Please Donate and Vote for Friends of Daniel Martin.