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I am trying to set up funds for the parents who just getting back in the workforce and only working a few days or hours per week due to this COVID-19..Jobs not coming back 100% hours and days are less.Making it hard to put food on the table or pay for childcare. So me and about 5 friends are trying to help a group of 20 people. That we can help to get back on their feet not have the headache of wondering will their kids be safe or they dont make enough for childcare..So anything is greatly appreciated for these family..please help today.

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You will be charged immediately, and then on the same day each subsequent month. You can cancel your monthly donation at any time.

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Thank you ! Do you know more people that will support our cause?

Snowball your impact by helping us reach your network. Can you take the next step and share with friends and family to help reach the goal?

Thanks for any help.These family who cant afford childcare will be so grateful so thank you so much🙏🙏