First off, I want to say thank you for taking time out of your day to visit my page. I appreciate your support in my campaign for Newport City Commission. I've called Newport home - my whole life, I have been involved in this community for many years now, especially in my roles on the Executive team of ReNewport. I believe it is time for me to take the next step in service to my community. If elected, I will bring a fresh perspective, skills and experience to the role.
My background is in housing and I am currently the Executive Director of the Dayton Housing Authority in Dayton, KY. I was recently in the New Leaders Council 2020 Class which strengthened my skills in financing, policy, marketing, communication and leadership. There are many projects I would like to take on if elected but my three main goals are as follows: Affordable Housing, Local Businesses, and Community Involvement. You can read more about why I'm running on my website.
I appreciate your support in any capacity. Whether that is donating, spreading the word, posting a sign in your yard, or helping me knock on doors. Your support means more than you know.
Gordon Henry
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