Saving California Saving America

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Your Voice Matters

How often have you noticed something in your neighborhood that needs to be addressed but you don’t bother because you feel it’s pointless? How many times have you tried to make a difference, but you end up frustrated because no one listens and nothing happens?

So many have become apathetic and frustrated with politics because we don’t feel heard.

Our voices are ignored over and over on basic issues such as safety and homelessness. This is not because our leaders lack the ability to hear us, but because it’s politically convenient for them. We have incredible resources and talent in this district – but we are ignored.

This won’t change until our leadership changes.

James Bradley has brought this campaign together based on the idea of listening to the district and pulling together new ideas that the old political machines resist. James is tired of the same old politicians taking constituents for granted. This is a grassroots movement in every way. If you are interested in supporting this type of candidate, regardless of political labels, or if you are looking to make a difference on issues that really matter to you, please join us.

This is our movement, our voices, together!

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Snowball your impact by helping us reach your network. Can you take the next step and share with friends and family to help reach the goal?

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Your commitment and donation goes to saving California and America.