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How blockchain technology will revolutionize our governing systems
"If the American people ever allow private banks to control the issue of their currency, first by inflation, then by deflation, the banks and corporations that will grow up around them will deprive the people of all property until their children wake up homeless on the continent their fathers conquered." - Thomas Jefferson
Millennials are now at an age where they are reflecting on their lives and are asking themselves what kind of society they want to build for our future generations. We need representation.
My career in mortgage finance gave me a comprehensive understanding of how money circulates, federal and state finance laws, core practices of the real estate industry that inhibit affordable housing. My skillset includes navigating through bureaucratic procedures and simplifying complex ideas of discussion to the average person. In addition, my knowledge and dedicated work with the homeless community over the years signals the need for creative and innovative leadership to solve the current and looming Crisis at hand.
Seattle is enriched with technological talent sourced from all over the world. We now have the capability to transition our financial system out of a traditional banking system and onto a decentralized blockchain (without the need for banks) in a very environmentally friendly capacity. The actions of the banks during the coronavirus demonstrated corruption when they were given the responsibility of distributing stimulus relief that left many small businesses in the dust. With ample evidence of misconduct and threats of cyber-attacks, a decentralized blockchain can restore power and voices to the people.
The core technology of cryptocurrency, the blockchain, has recently emerged as a well-behaved innovation with a wide range of applications, able to redesign our interactions in politics and society at large. As a technology, blockchain is quickly becoming unrivaled.
With the diffusion of blockchain applications, it will be finally possible for citizens to eliminate the need for heavy institutional control and design a new social contract based on consensus rather than coercion for a more transparent, autonomous, and innovative society.
A key application of blockchain in our city would integrate a voting system in which each Seattle resident could be assigned a "wallet" and equal distribution of "coins." That is, a chance to cast a vote on how grants, elections, small businesses, city projects, charities get funded with accounting already programmed in (think of Kickstarter or GoFundMe), the results of which would allow for secure, anonymous voting, monitored in real-time. Furthermore, it would thoroughly unveil how our tax dollars are being spent, provide data on the effectiveness of these projects, and finally, hold our elected officials accountable to the people vs. lobbyist corporations.
The smart payroll tax system
Smart contracts can streamline the tax collection process by matching tax data with income transactions and calculating tax and social security deductions. A blockchain-based system automatically transfers net salary and tax payments to their respective recipients. Coordinated automation brings efficiency, speed, and security to tax collection.
Authority floating freely and societal maturity.
Decentralization through blockchain technology represents a natural progression of humanity and a natural efficiency process. The blockchain changes how political governance, authority, independence, and participation can be conceptualized and executed, making individuals reach a new level of maturity and understanding.
Citizens have always relied on an external, centralized authority for government services, so it might be initially difficult to accept a new model of governance only based on personal responsibility, peer-to-peer interaction, and "authority floating freely." However, social maturity will also develop in this context, as it already did in other industries such as information.
Smart Voting System
One of the most noticeable applications of blockchain is in voting itself. In subsequent years, we've learned that voting machines are highly vulnerable to hackers, ultimately throwing the integrity of elections into question, undermining our democracy.
Whereas with blockchain, votes could be stored in many "independent nodes" because of the "distributed ledger," which would make modifying or tampering with votes "theoretically impossible."
In blockchain voting, each voter could be assigned a "wallet" and a "coin" (that is, a chance to cast a vote), the results of which would be stored in various nodes, which allows for secure, anonymous voting, monitored in real-time.
A do-it-yourself public administration.
We can use the blockchain as a permanent public records repository to store all government legal documents–such as contracts, identification cards, passports, land deeds, and many more–in a cheaper, more efficient, and decentralized way. Any user citizen can create his own blockchain nation with an entirely voluntary, do-it-yourself-public administration.
A Decentralized social contract
With the diffusion of blockchain applications, it will be possible for citizens to eliminate the need for centralized institutions and design a new social contract based on consensus rather than coercion for a more transparent, autonomous, and innovative society.
The new social contract would include systems for decentralized communication and collaboration and decentralized arbitration systems to resolve conflicts through smart contracts, with rules consented to by the participants and compatible with the common law or natural law.
Blockchain, whether applied to voting machines, news curation, or the political system itself, it presents valuable qualities, particularly related to tamper-evident and permanent databases and record-keeping, that could enhance transparency, accountability, and citizen engagement in areas that materially affect democratic governance and sustainable development around the world. We must give it a chance.
I fully believe that these proposed solutions, among many of my other ideas surrounding affordable housing, homeless Crisis, transparency, police budgets, addiction crisis, healthcare, and public interface, will solve many of the systemic issues at large.
- Create a Technology Council to improve current city interfaces with the public to garner their support (More transparency and accountability)
- Create a City App user friendly for its citizens to have a voice
- Educate, incentivize and inform the public of this technology
- Provide real-world applications
- Get Marijuana Lobbyists (I'm not too fond of this word, but they have money) on board, so they have a cheaper and safer way to store their money
- Create financial stats on the savings to every taxpayer of this technology and what it could fund.
- Advertise it
- Make it easy for people to send a message to state representatives and other government officials
Homeless Crisis
We live in the richest nation and one of the wealthiest states in the free world. Homelessness should not exist! There are some wonderful people with big hearts working in our community, severely underpaid and overworked. I feel that current structures create 501c3's or non-profits and incentivize a "for-profit business" model. Particular religious charities continually create unsafe and predatory environments. Many of the LGBTQ and vulnerable demographics of the houseless community choose to remain on the streets for safety concerns.
My work with the homeless community found that Mutual Aid was highly effective and minimized overhead. The amount of time and energy it takes to be homeless is a huge factor in getting prolonged. Having resources available on a centralized platform and in a localized area to access could profoundly impact this humanitarian Crisis. Transparency in this sector could save a lot of unnecessary spending. Finally, my priority would be to end the unethical sweeps of people's only possessions without any recourse or plan to transition them from their current situation.
With 44,000 people facing eviction in king county when the moratorium expires, Seattle could very likely double the population of the homeless community by ineffective action. My outrage at the current system is as follows:
- Stop the homeless sweeps (THEY ARE ILLEGAL)
- Stop trying to relocate homeless out of state
- Stop publicly funding ineffective non-profits
- Stop funding religious non-profits
Solutions to mitigate the Crisis:
- House them
- Create a centralized location for resources and supplies Online and Offline for non-profits to share and reduce costs
- Internet throughout the city for online phone and resource access
- Create a safe place for the Homeless to camp
- Let the people of Seattle dictate what non-profits get funded, like a Kickstarter or GoFundMe
- Incentivize more mutual Aid (tax deductions for individuals helping directly)
- Audit every non-profit that receives federal or state funding
- Endorse effective non-profits
- Create a Day 1 Public plan for each person that loses access to housing
- Expand LGBTQ shelters
- Create a healing environment vs. one rooted in shame
- Expand access to mental health services, therapy, healthcare
- Unite the non-profit sector so they can work together and share resources, so there is less overhead
- Hold hospitals accountable for discrimination
- Remove all police involvement when dealing with a mental health crisis
- Pay a universal income to children transitioning out of the foster system
- Decriminalize plant medicine and fund alternative treatments
- Create more public clinics
- Allow the city to lease out its land to non-profits
- Create a public banking option, so they have access to AID
- Pass a Poverty discrimination law (any entity that discriminates access due to poverty)
- Get Aid immediately
- Increase the minimum wage based on the Cost of living
- Fund financial literacy programs, online store development, trade skills, business advertising
- Ban Evictions from going on a credit report
- Ban Credit Reports when applying for housing (poverty is a cycle, housing is a human right)
Defund and Demilitarize Police
This last year, Seattle had a wake-up call and found out that Police, rooted in racism and incentivized to criminalize the poor, were abusing their power without any accountability. How they have treated protestors is deplorable. Protesting is critical to bi-partisan freedom in our democracy and should be treated with the highest respect. While we still need people who enforce the laws of our government, we do not need to fund the militarization of Police against our most vulnerable group of citizens.
Their role should be protecting and SERVING the community and not excessively jailing its residents. There is absolutely no reason why Police should be called to a mental health crisis, sweeping homeless people trying to survive or non-emergency crimes.
It is time we gave Firefighters, social workers, and mental health professionals a raise by re-allocating unnecessary police funds and let them take on the responsibility of caring for the community. Consequences for actions are imperative to the structure of our society; however, mental health, victimless crimes, poverty, and mistakes should not have a permanent impact on an individual's freedom or future.
I've taken enough loan applications to know that EMTs, Counselors, social workers, mental health providers make less than 50k (on average 39k) while Police make (65k – 100k). With close to 200 officers leaving the department, we have close to 200 salaries and benefits we could use to fund more of these service response teams.
Poverty is a direct symptom of systemic racism in our country and deserves reparations.
- Create a designated protest zone
- Create a Crisis response team that responds to non-violent situations, mental health crises, crimes of poverty, homeless situations. This should have been implemented immediately, considering we've had programs like this in the past
- Demilitarize police access to rubber bullets, tear gas, guns, flashbangs and invest in non-harmful tools to de-escalate situations
- Redesign a training program for Police
- Fund private security which can be held accountable vs. the police Union
- Create a public database of conduct and complaints about every officer. Mortgage lenders, real estate agents, doctors, etc., all are required to be on a public database to prevent misconduct. Call it "The accountability project" so citizens can upload videos and pictures to an officer's profile.
Affordable Housing
My career in mortgage lending gave me an inside look at many of the flawed and discriminatory practices that continue to exist in real estate today. With inflation and the Cost of homeownership rising to unprecedented levels that even a "livable wage" can't address, tokenizing real estate on the blockchain, unionizing renters, and reforming discriminatory lending practices, and reforming our current zoning laws could have an enormous economic impact on building wealth for future generations vs. a small pocket of wealthy developers.
- Unionizing renters
- Prioritizing Hemp Construction Materials, modular housing, and 3d printed homes
- Reforming discriminatory practices of real estate developers, builders, and lenders
- Create a public option (we could do it for free and probably make money) for lead generation to hold lenders and real estate agents accountable for misconduct
- Make interest rates transparent using a calculator tool
- Incentivize Co-Op living perhaps by tokenizing equity and apartment buildings (fractional community ownership of appreciating assets that build wealth in which these tenants have voting power to determine the Cost of living)
- Remove mortgage insurance (This is a scam, the banks made money on the last recession)
- Tokenizing the equity of housing
- Reform current zoning regulations
- Get the Down Payment Assistance Program more funding and easier to use so lenders will use the program? It's very unorganized and a painful process and inhibits lenders from even wanting to use it.
Addiction Crisis
Addiction and mental health have plagued Seattle communities. Without access to healthcare and safe places for our most vulnerable to heal, addiction is left unchecked. Investing in medical treatments such as ayahuasca, iboga, peyote, mushrooms have time after time been shown to be a healthy alternative to spending the money to house them in jail. Until we regain control of our healthcare industry free from pharmaceutical influences and lobbyists, this is a strikingly effective method of giving someone another chance at life.
- Treat individuals addicted to drugs like human beings who are in pain and not like animals
- Legalize plant medicine
- Create a healing space with mental health and addiction services available
- Create more public health clinics
- Prohibit Police from responding
Dog Parks
With Millennials having fewer children and remote work likely to remain, our community needs more dog parks to support the growing demand.
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