Donate To Journey of Hope, Inc. An Egalitarian Led, Self Directed, Women-Owned, 501(c)3 NonProfit

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Having helped more than 1,000 Women since our founding, we gratefully acknowledge that the scope and impact of what we do at Journey of Hope, Inc. is profound. We empower Women and Girls at-risk for further harm and incarceration — the homeless, the trafficked, those fleeing domestic violence, the addicted, the mentally ill, Women transitioning from jail and prison, and Girls aging out of state services.


The evidence is in: Shame, blame, labels, and negative judgment do not produce meaningful change for anyone. Journey of Hope provides support to women in Utah whose status puts them at-risk for criminal charges, harm, and trauma. We provide loving support and friendship to help women in jeopardy through mentoring and case management. Mentoring and case management are available for women who are victims of abuse, homelessness, victims of trafficking, struggling with substance abuse or mental health, and women who are on parole or probation. Women need safe housing, food security and employment. Our Community Health Workers use nationally recognized evidence-based approaches; Understanding gender and issues of diversity, relational communication, strength-based communication, and a trauma informed approach—to empower our clients to create a success plan.

Contribution Disclaimer:

Journey of Hope, Inc. Is An IRS Approved 501(c)3 Non-Profit Corporation, Making All Donations & Contributions Tax Deductible! Every Penny Is Used For Training Mentors, Staff Members, & Partners To Provide Case Management, Mentoring, & Support To Women & Girls In Our Community.

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Thank you for donating to Journey of Hope, Inc!

Your support & contribution helps save lives!

Because of Journey of Hope and the contributions from supporters like you, there are now hundreds of women who once had nowhere to turn for help, but who now feel safe- And whose children feel emotionally and physically safe, as well.

This means the trajectory of thousands of lives have been forever changed.

And it's all because of donations like YOURS!

Thank you!!!

Journey of Hope, Inc.

501(c)3 Non-Profit

Egalitarian Led Self Directed