HELP WOMEN FLEE THEIR ABUSERS; Emergency Funding For Women Fleeing Violence & Harm

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Having the finances to flee violence, abuse, trafficking, & other harmful dynamics is THE biggest reason why Women & Girls end up "staying" in these situations.



As of December 2023, there is NO SPACE at any Domestic Violence or Women/Family Focused Shelters ACROSS THE ENTIRE STATE OF UTAH.

There is NO FUNDING for housing. There is NO FUNDING for these kinds of emergencies for at-risk or vulnerable Women, People, or Communities. In fact, there is NO FUNDING OR HELP AVAILABLE for Women with NEW BORNS OR CHILDREN who are fleeing violence or harm.

To be honest, it feels like the current systems in place are enabling the abusers & perps to continue abusing and doing harm- Instead of empowering the SURVIVORS of abuse, the Survivors are cast out into the cold, without any direction, finances, or resources.

The people who are elected to lead in Utah complain about "the homeless problem", but CHOOSE TO FUND MILLIONS of desperately needed dollars into expanding jails and prisons, where not only homeless people are incarcerated, but Women who are fleeing violence & harm.

Hiding The "Homeless Problem" By Jailing & Imprisoning Homeless & Vulnerable People Isn't A Solution.

So, Journey of Hope Has Decided To Take Things Into Our Own Hands & Start A New Program + Initiative...

"STAY SAFE; Hope For A Brighter Future"

A NEW EMERGENCY INTERVENTION PROGRAM that assists Women fleeing violence & harm, with the costs that come with fleeing, including paying for Hotel Rooms, Safe Housing, Moving Costs, Transportation + Bus Tickets, Deposits & Rental Assistance, & ANY Costs that hinder a Woman (and their children) from fleeing violence, abuse, and/or harm.

How are we funding this NEW PROGRAM?

Through Support & Donations From EVERYDAY PEOPLE that want to make a difference! When donating to our "STAY SAFE" program, every cent is used to financially support & assist Women (and their children) who are currently fleeing violence, abuse, human trafficking, harm, & other extremely traumatic situations.

If Leaders, Law Enforcement, State + Federal Agencies, Infrastructure, Programs & Other Funding Resources Managed By State & Federal Government(s) Refuse To Help Women With The Necessary Means & Support To Flee Violence, Then We Can... TOGETHER.

**If 150,000 People Donated Just ONE DOLLAR, We Would Have $150,000 In Emergency Funds To Assist EVERY WOMAN Who Reaches Out To Our Organization For Help & Financial Support THIS YEAR ALONE.

The evidence is in: Shame, blame, labels, and negative judgment do not produce meaningful change for anyone. Journey of Hope provides support to women in Utah whose status puts them at-risk for criminal charges, harm, and trauma. We provide loving support and friendship to help women in jeopardy through mentoring and case management. Mentoring and case management are available for women who are victims of abuse, homelessness, victims of trafficking, struggling with substance abuse or mental health, and women who are on parole or probation. Women need safe housing, food security and employment. Our Community Health Workers use nationally recognized evidence-based approaches; Understanding gender and issues of diversity, relational communication, strength-based communication, and a trauma informed approach—to empower our clients to create a success plan.

Contribution Disclaimer:

Journey of Hope, Inc. Is An IRS Approved 501(c)3 Non-Profit Corporation, Making All Donations & Contributions Tax Deductible! Every Penny Is Used To Financially Support & Assist Women Who Are Currently Fleeing Violence, Abuse, Human Trafficking, Harm, & Other Extremely Traumatic Situations.

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Thank you for donating to Journey of Hope's NEW PROGRAM + FUNDING INITIATIVE;

STAY SAFE; Hope For A Brighter Future

Every cent goes to financially supporting Women who are currently fleeing violence & harm!

Your support & contributions help save the lives of Women & their Children!

Because of Journey of Hope's SUPPORTERS and the contributions from people like you, there are Women & Children who were fleeing violence, and are now SAFE, SECURE, + STABLE.

And it's all because of donations like YOURS!

Thank you!!!

Journey of Hope, Inc.

501(c)3 Non-Profit

Egalitarian Led Self Directed