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Hello, my name is Joseph Laundry, I am a veteran, and I am running for Oregon House District 28. I want many things for Oregon, but my campaign will center on three pillars. 1.) Publicly funded campaigns- Each citizen of Oregon would receive a stipend to give to the political candidate of their choosing. This gives the people a stronger voice in their government, and reduces corruption due to the influence of big money in politics. 2.) Combating Climate Change- I will meet with members of Congress, leaders in Oregon, and experts on climate change to come up with solutions for Oregon. 3.) Eliminating the gender wage gap- The gender wage gap is largely due to the expensive nature of daycares. In single-parent homes, people must sacrifice work because they cannot afford childcare. In two-parent homes, one parent must either stay home or work part-time due to the expense of childcare. Often this parent is the mother, but not always. I propose subsidizing daycares in Oregon to help offset the cost daycares must incur. Please donate to the campaign, so we can get our message to our voters and win for Oregon!!!!

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