Support the Leavenworth Community Farmers Market

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The Leavenworth Community Farmers Market is designed to increase access to fresh, locally produced foods and other products of local labor for all people. We strive to serve culturally and economically diverse populations, and bring together families, neighbors, visitors and local food producers to create community and social gathering; to enhance our quality of life and foster a sustainable local economy.

Support for LCFM goes to managing Market Programs such as:

~ Food Access programs (EBT & SNAP Match, WIC, Senior Nutrition)

~ Good Farmer Fund (our rainy day fund for produce vendors)

~ Music and Entertainment at the Market

~ Kids Education & Activities at the Market

©2025 Powered by FundHero®

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©2025 Powered by FundHero ®

Donations are subject to FundHero's privacy policy.

, add payment details to complete your donation to Support the Leavenworth Community Farmers Market.
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You will be charged immediately, and then on the same day each subsequent month. You can cancel your monthly donation at any time.

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