Lisa Bagley For State House 36

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Civic involvement has always been important to me, which is why I have been especially active and engaged in our community the last five years. At the encouragement of family, friends, and neighbors, I am running for Utah House Legislative District 36. I believe in the leadership philosophy... Listen, Learn, Lead. It is in this listening and learning phase that we find common ground, which leads to effective public policy and builds bridges of trust towards unity. We could all use more unity in today's divisive political climate. We urgently need someone who can lead us in uncharted territory, especially with the physical, mental, and financial stressors caused by COVID-19 Pandemic, Magna Earthquake, Civil Unrest, and Wildfires. I get invited into projects and leadership roles, which speaks to my ability to bring people together, as well as my reputation for getting things done. Serving in the Utah State Legislature will expand my efforts to make an even bigger difference in supporting our community. This will be a grassroots campaign, I need your help as running a race of this scale takes support and resources. Every dollar helps! Cheers, Lisa Bagley For State House 36

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