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Officially incorporated in 2019 by legend Dawson Julia and current chairperson Susan Meehan, the Maine Cannabis Coalition exists to support patients and caregivers who participate in Maine’s Use of Medical Marijuana Program. PERIOD! We want to be clear, again, this our mission.
We have won some major battles since our inception, the latest being the defeat of the proposed 88 pages of rules which OMP introduced last January. We were told repeatedly this could not be accomplished, but we managed to succeed by a landslide, garnishing record support from both parties. Our Chairperson, Susan Meehan, will participate 100% in the new process as it unfolds. We, the Coalition, will be represented in the room where it happens.
Last legislative session (ending July 19, 2021) we earned a 32-2 and 117-25 vote to squash OMP's destructive regulatory-capture-rules. This year we plow forward with a bill to remedy some statute emergencies like ensuring access to telemedicine in the midst of a pandemic and beyond, bringing pediatric certification into alignment with actual practice, and protecting our patients with cost effective recall methods via batch numbers ensuring more affordable access. We are also supporting a bill to require more stringent legislative oversight in rulemaking in the program. We continue to defend Maine small businesses from out of state take-over in the Circuit Court residency case in Boston! We need your help to continue this mission to protect Maine Medical!
Contribution Disclaimer:
Your donation is NOT tax deductible. In order to protect Maine's Medical Program, we advocate for laws and rules that impact our program. We are a political action advocacy group. Your donation directly funds our efforts, and our Board is 100% volunteer.
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