Hi, I’m Matthew Sanscrainte and I am running for US Senate Seat in 2024. Please help me to represent the great state of Florida. As we start to re-open our country it has come to the conclusion that we do not have great leadership in the White House, nor in the Senate or Congress. Please help me make the changes we so desperately need. I plan on making our nation better! Starting with our crumbling infrastructure, getting small businesses back off the ground, fighting for Women Rights, fighting for LGBTQ Rights, fighting against private prisons, helping farmers have a fair leveling field in the way product is bought and sold, so farmers don’t suffer anymore from “Big Corp”. I am with you, for you, and by you. I’m Matthew Sanscrainte and I am running for US Senate—Florida. To find out more of what’s on my agenda please stay tuned, message me on social media, and email me anytime! Thank you for your generosity and support!
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