Janie Monier for Board of Education

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As a registered nurse, I have advocated compassionately for my patients and I have had to make quick decisions in high stress situations. I bring these skills and traits to advocate for our students, schools, and communities. As a PTA President after a pandemic, I brought families and communities together celebrating holidays, participating in charitable activities, volunteering in the school, showing our appreciation for the educators, support staff, and administrators that supports learning and a positive workplace.

Schools are centers for community engagement: whether it is a 5K run, a town hall meeting with county leadership, or the football game bringing out all the alumni to cheer. As such it is important for voters, with or without children, to see our schools succeed -- to know that the graduating classes are not only academically ready, but also prepared to enter the world knowing how collaborate with co-workers and neighbors respectfully, to be leaders, and to create a life of their own design.

How do we achieve success?

By advocating for policies and funding that support our schools in giving our students what they need to succeed. This includes continuing to push for the funding necessary for school renovations and new buildings to meet the needs of our developing county and reduce class sizes.

By ensuring parents and students have the information they need to understand their resources and choices. Proactively communicating with families often and early to stay connected with their concerns, the resources they need, and directing families in how to connect with those resources so that we engage collaboratively with our students, families, and communities.

By fostering access to education that meets the student where they are and supports their goals. Assessing, identifying, and connecting students to the education that will give the best foundation to succeed after graduation. This will require more support staff like guidance counselors and special educators, bus drivers and support administrators.

By supporting innovative ideas to attract and retain qualified teachers, support staff, and administration. While we advocate for funding and formula changes, we must look for ways to retain and attract employees: increasing teacher autonomy, grants for housing, transportation, and childcare, and utilizing a needs survey to direct our efforts.

Vote for me on Primary Day, May 14th! Thank you!

Contribution Disclaimer:

Authorized by Friends of Janie Monier, JP Monier, treasurer. Contributions or gifts are not tax deductible.

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Thank you for your support! We have a lot of important work to do and your generous donation helps us get that important work done!

Authorized by Friends of Janie Monier, JP Monier, treasurer.