Olive Us For NM - Angela Olive State Senate Dist 4

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What I believe and want changed: • Infrastructure needs to be more of a focus for our district o Our roads and bridges are in disrepair, and in some places are non-existent. Our highways have been patched, and continue to have large pot-holes. o Every house in the district should have access to running water. There continues to be areas in the district that struggle daily to access water. The recent pandemic created a bigger struggle for people to be able to wash and sanitize their homes properly, due to the inability to access running water. • Cap the annual percentage rate of small loans to 36% o Currently the NM annual percentage rate for small loans is set at 175%, which affects low- and middle-income families. Our district has struggled for many years with a sluggish economy. We depend on the oil, gas and coal industries that have had to scale back production, due to the drop in the economy. Our families are already struggling to make ends meet, and to be saddled with a high interest rate small loan, makes the struggle even greater – currently paying three, four or five times the amount of money that has been borrowed. • Restructuring of Federal Impact Aid to school districts in rural areas o The NM Department of Education currently distributes approximately 25 – 35% of the funds that have been allocated to the schools – the other 65 – 75% is retained for “administrative costs”. These funds have been set aside to fund our schools, teachers and students, yet the state retains the much needed funds inappropriately. The Yazzie/Martinez lawsuit focused on this issue, yet the disparity continues. • With the Census this year, a push for redistricting of the state is needed o The current districts are disproportionate, and do not allow for proper representation of the people. An independent commission is needed to study the best options for resetting the boundaries, so that all people are represented in a proper manner. • Simply tax codes for businesses in the state o New Mexico is built on small businesses, and as such, needs to allow those businesses to grow. Current tax codes put a strain on businesses that are employing people and as result, they are not able to provide much needed fringe benefits to their employees. In order for the employee to be able to provide for their families, the business has to be able to be successful. • Repeal the Red Flag Law o The Red Flag Law impedes on the Second Amendment right. We need to focus on the true problem – the mental issues. There are current laws on the books that need to be upheld, without violation of the Second Amendment.

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