Paolo for Board of Education

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In the Summer of 2020, students, parents, teachers and activists alike were rightfully outrage about the scandalous decision by 4 of 5 Board of Education trustees where they approved to recommend to reopen schools during the height of the pandemic without facial masks or social distancing whilst neighbouring counties of LA, Riverside and San Diego chose to safely remain with online learning for their school districts. With the Midterm Elections coming up in 2022, people are supporting the incumbents' challengers to unseat them in their respective districts.

As the only candidate for District 5 of Orange County's Board of Education who graduated from the public school system of Capistrano Unified School District from K-12, I bring a relevant perspective to the Board of Education that is not currently represented which has made the trustee board members including the district school boards disconnected with the students, teachers and staff.

Join the momentous movement to bring representation for the school teachers back to the board meetings. Let me be the teacher's advocate to solve their concerns.

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Thank you so much for supporting our 2022 campaign! Your donation has allowed us to reach greater heights early on in the election for the 5th District of the Board of Education in Orange County! With your help, we are able to show the community that I am a serious challenger committed to unseating the incumbent in order to bring the perspective of students, teachers and staff to the board meetings!

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Share the donation link with your friends and family. Our movement's strength comes from people who are willing to share about the campaign.